Welcome to Spiritual Acceleration’s Prayer Wall

Bonnie reads through each and every prayer, activating them on your behalf and intervening on higher energetic planes so that your prayers are heard with crystal clarity. This sacred space offers a heartfelt community to share your deepest hopes and fears on a donation-based model. Regardless of your ability to contribute monetarily, all prayers will be answered.

You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


Dear Bonnie,

I am living in total despair. Metastatic breast cancer now spread to lung and liver. A huge thyroid goitre was cancerous, my throat had extensive surgery and some cancer tumours remain. I paid Jerry Sergeant more than £1,000 for healing but he couldn't. Going back to Spirit is not a problem but coping with toxic drugs and being a source of stress and sadness for my only son is heartbreaking. I have tried everything to heal naturally and spiritually but no results. Please Spirit, I have lived a life helping others, I would like to live a bit longer to bring in Aquarius and the Golden Age that I came here to help with. Is that too much to ask for a Lightworker? Please pray for my cancer healing and recovery without suffering. God bless you.

Received: December 4, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


Hi Bonnie

I would like to thank you for all the prayers I requested already, Thank you so much.

Please help me heal all my physical diseased including my nervous system, chakras/energetic system, muscle and bone system, hormonal system, broken bones, arthritis, artrosis/lack of synovial fluid, mental/emotional imbalances, depression, frustration and any other unhealed part of my being please.

I was able to get the training I've been wanting for a few years now and I am more scared/afraid than excited about it, please help me remove the fear of achieving the goals involved in my new career/endeavors.

I got a few public speaking classes/training that I may not be a 100% sure that I'd like to do public speaking by itself, as speaking from a stage but it is very important for me to do public speaking because I need to open to new people, get to know them in order to get the contracts and also to sell the properties and the speeches/conferences and relationships with real estate agents, brokers, HR managers on charge of hiring me, selling, especially to be able to get great deals for myself and do what is called buy low sell high over and over again please help me set and achieve my goals properly and be able to succeed and THRIVE in all aspects of my life please.

Please help me free myself from all the contracts from previous lifetimes, ancestors, old loves and enemies.

Please help me open and thrive in my creativity and be able to get my soul centered, get good communication and understanding from/with my higher self to be really happy in my life.

Please help me get clear understanding of why I am here living these experiences because I have the certainty that I have been paying way over the damages from previous incarnations, I know some reasons are what you say the victims of previous lives but why do I have to pay so much, such a high price? Pease help me finish with all of this.

Pease help me get rid of all the energies/entities that had been causing me physical, emotional, mental damages/stress, which some are people/humans taking advantage of my ignorance/ naivety and damages that prevent me from getting revenge or retaliate or even get compensated for all these damages and to finish with this recycling of thought and repeated experiences that only caused more traumas/damages instead of healing them.

Thank you Thank you thank you

Thank you, thank you, thank you

Received: December 3, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


Dear Bonnie teams & community please pray for my cat meni to heal from the wound on his cheek . He keeps scratching and isnt healing . Please he is diabetic also on insulin amd we praying hs appetite suppresses and losses more weight as is only way to go into remission to heal they said .. is tough twice indulin and isnt fair we been praying for two years ..

Please also comt to pray for my other cat tigger to eat his new prescribed food in order for the bladder stone to pass dissolve and for him to heal completely . God bless you abundantly thank you so much . Thank you for praying for my Tigger he has made progress stable on meds and is able to pass urine no blood almost a month now . Please pray he heals completely and gets the all clear january. God bless you for your prayers and blessings means so much to me especially with mums sudden passing my cats are our family we need them

Healed . Love peace good health and much joy to you Dear Bonnie teams and community ️so grateful x

Received: December 2, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


Dear Bonnie teams & community please pray for my cat meni to heal from the wound on his cheek . He keeps scratching and isnt healing . Please he is diabetic also on insulin amd we praying hs appetite suppresses and losses more weight as is only way to go into remission to heal they said .. is tough twice indulin and isnt fair we been praying for two years ..

Please also comt to pray for my other cat tigger to eat his new prescribed food in order for the bladder stone to pass dissolve and for him to heal completely . God bless you abundantly thank you so much . Thank you for praying for my Tigger he has made progress stable on meds and is able to pass urine no blood almost a month now . Please pray he heals completely and gets the all clear january. God bless you for your prayers and blessings means so much to me especially with mums sudden passing my cats are our family we need them

Healed . Love peace good health and much joy to you Dear Bonnie teams and community ️so grateful x

Received: December 2, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.



I've been terribly unwell and have not been this sick in years. I'm in so much physical pain and discomfort, I don't know what to do. I can barely take care of myself, haven't slept well in 4 days due to coughing fits and have been sick for about 7 days. Massive headaches, sore throat, coarse cough, fever, body pain, flem, vomiting, the coughing won't stop. Please help, I get the sense there are greater forces at play thank you.

Blessings ️

Received: December 2, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.

Abby Brown

Hi Bonnie, the last two years I have gone through quite a bit with my ex (father’s daughter). Court was tough. I am remarried and pregnant and looking to relocate with my husband and daughter and new baby in the summer. My ex is a much older father and really has made my life extra challenging and I cannot communicate or co parent with him and I have not been given permission to move my daughter with us. I cannot even communicate with him about custody without him stonewalling me. I have many past lives with him and he really is quite a karmic person. I have spent time clearing energies and I have bought and listened to many clearings. I am hoping and praying everyday for a miracle on this issue so that she can move with us and we can be in peace. He really became a monster after I walked away and I just ask for peace and divine intervention. Thank you.

Received: December 2, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


Hi Bonnie,

Can you help me clear any black magic, witchcraft, voodoo or any other type of damages cause by dark entities/humans/ETs/1 percenters/military/NYPD or any other that might had attacked me with witchcraft please?

Can you remove any obstacle that stops me from resolving my problems please?

Can you remove anything that is topping me to get the whole amount of the cityFHEPS rent's voucher adjusted to my new rent that increased in September and I missed to submit 2 letters for the increase in time and I haven't been able to correct it even though I already submitted the missing letters several times in different ways, please?

Can you help me collect my money in time and in the complete and correct amounts please?

Can you help me to free myself to whatever happens on the weekends that my enemies got together and targeted me to hurt me with their psychic/astral attacks please?

Can you help get the belief I need to work on and get free from please?

I know you have too many clearings but it's a lot of money and time to do them all. Any suggestion on how to free myself from all the lacks especially of understanding, trauma, programs, beliefs, etc?

Can you free me from the usurpers that are talking to me telepathically that they are learning in/on me and they graduated when they made me smack me and they thanked me for that so now THEY can leave, please?

Can you recover me/my soul from whomever highjacked me please?

Can you free me from what enslave me please?

Can you release all that is bringing me back to the point of the dark entities/enemies to have a grip on me and don't let me go please so I can go forever to live my life?

Received: December 1, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


Hi Bonnie,

I really need help taking out of my body the 2 other people that you mentioned a few weeks ago. Her names are Andrea and Yvanna, I may have more that they brought with them against my will. How can I finish with this battle that has taken so many lifetimes and to what I can see I have been defeated by them several times, Today I had another psychic assault that ended up hurting me. After these kind of events I end up hating myself so much, I don't understand what do I need to learn from this or how can I end up this situation, it is a living hell for me. This thanksgiving weekend was way longer than what is said a long weekend and really need to figure out how to change my situation in life. I hope you could give me the answers to these questions, can you talk to me when I am doing your clearings in the mornings please?

Can you take out what ever is blocking my body to connect fully with the emotions please?

Can you take help my higher self to get out of my body any other soul, discarnate or entity that doesn't allow me to do that consciously even doing the body claiming daily please?

Can you remove any obstacles to make a lot of money to be able to pay sessions with you to get rid of that annoying voice speaking to my ear all the bad things, hate speech about my self and my family and the hate she/they install in me please?

Can you free me from that voice that keep telling me that I agree to all these and I have to accept and love it even if I don't want to and that I have no choice because my soul agreed and there is nothing I could do to stop it please?

Can you free me from my biological and adoptive moms, dads, grandfathers, grandmothers and any other family member involved please?

Can you free me from what ever is stopping me to be clairvoyant or psychic to do this by myself please so I don't have to be begging or causing pity/shame asking others to do it for me please?

Can you remove whatever they (my enemies) put in me so I could not free from them please?

Can you remove the frequency to hurt me physically and like it please?

Can you free me from what ever it is making me fall again into the same patterns please?

Can you free me from what ever it is making me be afraid or go crazy before a day I have something to do may be important or not, please?

Can you help me forgive even the worst of my enemies no matter what they did to me please? I cannot let go the need of revenge and I'm back and forth into I should be compensated for all the damages they caused me in this lifetime because I already cancel the agreements with them so they could not do any more harm to me and they don't stop; and can you stop all these as well please.

Can you stop all the people who took/grabbed me as their sacrificial board and/or guinipig to learn to do mind control, telepathy, abuse and remote viewing on me through me, with me mainly against me because I've been really mistreated in the past 3 or so years, please?

In a few times where I had the chance to speak to you either in a Q&A or in a clearing after you clear, you have seen a dark cloud or negativity surrounding me saying that comes from a previous lifetime when I did bad things but I have not been able to find out why, when nor how to get rid of it, even after a few sessions with your trackers and clinics. Can you free me from it please? I have a few clearings against dark forces but instead of getting rid of them they got stronger and more hurtful, less merciful and I do feel like going insane.

Can you help me get rid of what stopping me to get what I want instead of what ever the case I get and have to be content with it because I couldn't get better much less what I wanted, many times not even close to what I was looking for.

I wish I could see the people who are doing all these damages to me and even better, I wish I could pay them with the same coin.

Is it really a dark entity what is trying to get me back or is that my enemies are sworn to the devil in this incarnation and as human they have me as they target where they learned the things I mentioned before? In any case can you finish with this situation please?

Once I heard you say "the word has been spoken" and I felt really bad, the situation was not going well for me and I thought the legal problem would never end and much less in my behalf but I had to submit to their demands and accept what they were willing to give in order to finish and close with the case for good but seems that because I'm getting some money from them, after all this hustle they think/feel that they can still get a grab from me and that their money would bind me to them forever so can you please make sure that is not the case and that this rivalry/feud really ends now for ever and ever and never to return please?

Can you help me get rid of hate please?

Thank you thank you thank you

Received: December 1, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


Dear Bonnie, SpiritualAcceleration team and friends,

Please pray that my mom enjoys her happiest, healthiest, safest, shortest, fastest, easiest success in gaining and sustaining her lifetime commitment to the following items,

as if she is confident and certain that she's becoming a Blue Zone supercentenarian:

- systematic yet flexible, heart-healthy, low-mold, allergen-free, nutrient-dense, delicious meal plans and nutritional supplementation,

all of which are dynamically well-proportioned in both macronutrients and micronutrients

- her perfectly individualized circadian eating schedule

Thank you! Blessings to all!

Received: November 30, 2024

This prayer has been answered!

Prayed for 1 time.


Dear Bonnie, SpiritualAcceleration team and friends,

Thank you so much for all your previous prayers that have not only extended my mom's life, but also enhanced her overall wellness!

Please pray that my mom enjoys her happiest, healthiest, safest, shortest, fastest, easiest success in receiving and nurturing her embodiment of the following requested outcomes

as if she is confident and certain that she's becoming a Blue Zone supercentenarian:

- her immediate relief from all remaining effects of heart failure and residual mold exposure affecting her

- complete removal of their root causes, especially all pain or damage in any part of her thyroid, cardiorespiratory system or immuno-digestive system

- her permanent rejuvenation and revitalization of her cardiometabolic system and respiratory system, including her body’s perfect internal

L-Glutathione production, liposomal Ubiquinol (CoQ10) supply, mitochondrial biogenesis, heart cell self-healing, intracellular hydration and whole body blood circulation

Thank you! Blessings to all!

Received: November 30, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 3 times.


Hi Bonnie,

I would like your help to get all blocks preventing me to be lucky and successful in life please

I would like to be an achiever with ease and grace, remove all obstacles from my path that I haven't please


Received: November 29, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 4 times.


Hi Bonnie

Yesterday I had a huge headache almost all day and I couldn't sleep either only to wake up today for a payment I had to do and I couldn't make it because it's Thanksgiving and the people of that company didn't open today but the pain suffered yesterday, so intense came with an explanation that it was because I was afraid of making it and it was to prove me I wanted that business' training, but couldn't achieve it as I said I would and to prove me I couldn't keep my word.

Can you help me understand what stops me to understand the energy/ies forcing me to go against my will and remove them please?

Aldo can you remove all the blockages that keep me in this kind of situations please? This is not the first time that this happened to me, especially in the past few years.

Can you remove all my blockages to get free from unwanted spirits that are hurting me, forcing me to forgive them but they don't stop the agitations against me, claiming that it's the Light forcing me to face what I haven't lived/faced n other lifetimes based on what you keep talking about the new paradigm but it's THEY who haven't forgiven me for things I did in previous lifetimes or so they say because I cannot know that, please?

Can you remove what stops me from healing myself/my body/my being/my chakras please?

Can you remove whatever is holding me to words that I said about being afraid to everything, which made absolute just to hurt me by the voices/beings/entities I mentioned above please?

Can you help me remove obstacles/blockages to forgive but to know what really needs to be forgiven and why I had to suffer those perpetrations please?

Can you help me free myself from all the past due/expired contracts and agreements that shouldn't be in place anymore please?

Can you help me be more clairvoyant, clear audient and understand the voices and images I perceive that feel more like hallucinations but to the lack of sense when I receive them please?

Can you help me navigate all this nonsense of the spirit forcing me to go through things that I already live several times in this lifetime and many others as well please?

Can you help me take out of my body/being any other entities please? I have many of your clearings and claim my body regularly but seems I cannot do it myself no matter how hard I try; and can you remove that as well please?

Can you get rid of the voice in my head that "you will never be happy if your mom doesn't help you" which I don't understand why is that so persistent in my head, why I cannot get rid of, what do I need to understand of it for it to stop haunting me and stop driving me nuts almost all day long please?

Can you take out of my head/body all the enemies from previous lifetimes that don't want to finish their contract of hate towards me, that don't want to forgive me and let me go on with my life and they denied to compensate me for all the damages caused to my being in this lifetime claiming that I agree and I have almost 2 years clearing with you cancelling those agreements and at some point everything got a lot worse, they psychic/astral attacks made me hurt myself badly with my own hands please.

Why are souls so vengeful? Why they refused to leave me when I cancelled those contracts?

Can you remove all obstacles for me to start my land flip business and be vey successful please? I am ready to start and really want it to be special and thrive in that please?

Can you please help me get the money to take more of your trainings and kick as like you, remove the blockages for me to see and clear energy on my own as well because it's very expensive, please?

Can you help me manifest what I want consciously effortlessly please?

Can you remove the blocks to be focus on the tasks I'm doing and finish them please, and finish them in a successful/excellent way please?

Thank you thank you thank you

Received: November 28, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


Hi Bonnie, Could you please release me from some black magic stuff coming from sister & ancestral karmic liabilities-including their victims, enemies, & dark force energies. whilst i attempted to clear-it triggered a past psychic attack/ dark force/feels like a possession? possibly one of their enemies.

many thanks

Received: November 25, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


Hi Bonnie

Can you release me from all that stops me from being happy, healthy, wealthy, lucky, charming, self confident, love myself, be good at sales, getting the best deals for land flipping and become an inspirational public speaker please?

Can you release me from my adoptive mom that was a tyrant when she was alive and become even worse after she passed please?

Can you release me for ever from Andrea, Yvanna, Roy, Sonia, Henri, Peter Nicolas and all of their partners in crime please?

Can you release me from learning through pain and suffering please?

Can you release me from all entities like pranksters that make me suffer please?

Can you release me from all that stops me from collecting money and my government's benefits in full please?

Can you help me heal all the wounds cause in this life that were supposed to heal me but they didn't, please?

Can you release me from reincarnate over and over with the same people/souls please?

Can you help me get compensations from the people who hurted me so much, (I mentioned some of them above) and blocked me to get what I would like to have please?

Can you unblock me to get the success I'm pretending to get with the land flipping business and maybe publicly speaking as well please?

Can you help me get rid/free of the entities/souls that don't want to end the contracts that I am canceling and voiding every day with your clearings please?

Can you help me see my self in a more loving and compassionated way please

Can you help me see what I need to cancel. void, end, clear, remove from my contracts/life and be able to do it with ease and clarity please?

Can you help me get rid/free from all what is causing me to feel like I'm on a boat rocking that I was made believe it's vertigo but I know now it is not, it's cause by the spirit, please?

Can you remove all obstacles to get my very first property/land lot under contract and sell it in the next 1-4 weeks please?

Can you remove all obstacles in me to get the kind of deals that they talk about in their trainings and be like other of their students that get commission checks for $69K and $175k or better on a regular basis please?

Can you help me be and feel better with myself, more confident, more in alignment with my higher self and be of service (instead of being a servant and very exploited one) please?

Can you help me get good relationships including good family relationships please?

Can you help me reconnect to all the links that were broken/cut off with my adoption please?

Thank you thank you thank you

Received: November 25, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


Dear Bonnie, SpiritualAcceleration team and friends,

I really appreciate all your previous prayers that have not only extended my mom's life, but also enhanced her overall wellness!

Please pray that my mom enjoys her happiest, healthiest, safest, shortest, easiest, fastest success in gaining and maintaining

her embodiment of her immediate, complete, permanent rejuvenation of

her ideal brain, spine, pineal gland, vagus nerve, parasympathetic nervous system and sympathetic nervous system,

and all other areas that optimize her ideal love, peace, joy and sleep, foot-to-eye coordination and hand-to-eye coordination,

standing and walking.

Thank you! Blessings to all!

Received: November 24, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


I would like light for my highest good, for my health and well-being seems like I am attracting places that are not what I want to live in, the last one has a lot of mold on it and I couldn't sleep because of it, clarity to find a place to stay in my budget with all my requirements until the renovation of my apartment is finished or even something better with grace, joy and ease, also light to the renovation itself all involved since it's already taking too long.

I know something is off and I would like clarity and intuitive awareness to know what it is and how to clear it for the highest good of all

Received: November 24, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


Hi Bonnie can I ask for prayer for myself? I fear someone has tried to curse me and my life whilst I’ve been asleep I feel in a slightly bad way. I really would appreciate any prayer you can give me. I feel really dizzy. I don’t feel like myself, headaches have gotten worse and also traveled from the front of my head to the back. I just also feel really strange, almost out of body experience. If possible please can you pray as soon as you can. I do feel it could be urgent and I’m also a little scared as well.

Thank you so much for your help sofar

Received: November 23, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


Dear Bonnie, SpiritualAcceleration team and friends:

I appreciate your prayers that I embody my happiest, healthiest, safest, shortest, easiest, fastest success in gaining and sustaining

my fullest, ideal, individuated advantages in embracing my most profitable abilities, opportunities and actualities in the

current greatest wealth transfer ever that is happening right now.

Thank you! Blessings to all!

Received: November 22, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


Please hold Jorge Fernando Belmont (he is missing) into the light for the highest good and his family.

Received: November 22, 2024

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


I would like to request a prayer for myself, my health in all levels and well-being, the renovation in my apartment, the legal situation on it all concerned

Received: November 22, 2024

Powered by Prayer Engine

This is Praise that Bonnie's Prayers are answered, and are Real and do work!!!!
I payed for help in clearing black magick attacks for Myself, My Mom and Family as well as for My Home and property to be cleared. Within 4 minutes of me receiving the E-mail from Bonnie that my Prayer has been answered...I felt a shift in my energy, My Mom is currently completely calm and relaxed (I care for my Mom, she had a stroke and has dementia) while all last week she was crying, complaining, and calling for me every 10 min... Yeah! Something GREAT definitely occurred here! I also received a call from my Mom's caregiver who helps give Mom a bath asking if there is anything else she can do to help me?!! Thank-You, Thank-You, Thank-You Bonnie!! You are a God Send!! Much LOVE and Many BLessings for All You do for Us!!

Destine Reed