Can you please help me unblock my abundance, good health, good luck and charm?
I'm trying to open/launch a few things to create wealth but had been blocked, confused, scared, lonely and defeated even though I've been doing many of your clearings. I don't know what else is missing or how to hit the nail on the head to get my abundance running freely and unstoppable, any help with this is highly appreciated as well. Please
On your clearing the house class when you're teaching the guy to clear the kitchen you saw something going into him, he had a black/worm hole in his belly and that really shocked me, i think I have one too. Could you please close it and clear anything coming from through it?
I also have damages on my chakras due to psychic/astral attacks, could you please heal and restore my chakras/energetic system and any mental/brain damages, please?
I have a lot of resentments due to all what I have lived that hasn't been of my liking, could you please clear the resentments?
Could you please help me opening/restore/heal my clairs/senses, abilities, gifts, talents?
Thank you so much Bonnie
Received: October 29, 2024