Welcome to Spiritual Acceleration’s Prayer Wall

Bonnie reads through each and every prayer, activating them on your behalf and intervening on higher energetic planes so that your prayers are heard with crystal clarity. This sacred space offers a heartfelt community to share your deepest hopes and fears on a donation-based model. Regardless of your ability to contribute monetarily, all prayers will be answered.

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


Hi Bonnie

After following you for about 2 years now and amongst other healers, my clairvoyance started to open up and I 've been able to see a little more the energies around me. In one session with Eva in Feb 2023 she discovered that the people I had a legal dispute against them started the problem in the old Egypt, Andrea, Sonia's daughter in law used to be a good friend of mine, and I think you've seen here around me when we have spoken, but she became my enemy because I stole her husband back there to what Eva told me, it seems that she made witchcraft against me and yesterday while I was running one of your clearings, I saw that the woman that was my adoptive mother in this incarnation happen to saved me then from that witchcraft and dragged me into hiding to protect me but seems that she tightened both of us and has been a bloody torture being with her lifetime after lifetime and she even caused me a lot more damage after she died. You helped me in Shantana's summit calling her higher levels to let her know that my soul was ready to let this go and talked to my soul to go back to my body but only lasted a few days because then she kind of returned to cause more damages since. You also said that I had another 2 women in there that you didn't have time to take them out as well.

What can I do in order to free myself rom all of them? I think the more I do the less of my desired outcome I get, and there is a lot of noise to let the universe do it thing after you ask for something but I think there is something very gnarly here that is taking me in the wrong direction from what I really want and is further more than the subconscious. I know Roy is a police officer or detective and he swore allegiance to the devil and the had made me bleed in many occasions when they were talking to me telepathically. I know that Yvanna (Roy's sister) and Andrea (Roy's wife) are witches and had to do with the bleeding as well and I also know that there were at least 2 other people involved in that which are in the police department and are close to Roy and his family.

I know a lot of my problems with money and keeping a job had to do with things they did in this life, when I was living in their mom's Sonia's house because they didn't want me to live there and they caused me the accident that lead to the legal suit and eviction and the loss of the SSDI/SSI case.

Please help me break with all this evil and wickedness. Please help me break free even form my parents even though they are deceased.

I am planning to have a session with Sarah by the end of this month looking forward finishing with this issues.

I also had a few clinic sessions when you offered them because that's what I could've paid. Now I'm saving for another whole session maybe even more than one but would be at the end of the month.

I've also been very manipulated from many other energies that I still cannot see or understand but because you mentioned them they were used against me even more.

Please help me stop all of these.

Thank you, thank you, thank you

Received: January 8, 2025

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This is Praise that Bonnie's Prayers are answered, and are Real and do work!!!!
I payed for help in clearing black magick attacks for Myself, My Mom and Family as well as for My Home and property to be cleared. Within 4 minutes of me receiving the E-mail from Bonnie that my Prayer has been answered...I felt a shift in my energy, My Mom is currently completely calm and relaxed (I care for my Mom, she had a stroke and has dementia) while all last week she was crying, complaining, and calling for me every 10 min... Yeah! Something GREAT definitely occurred here! I also received a call from my Mom's caregiver who helps give Mom a bath asking if there is anything else she can do to help me?!! Thank-You, Thank-You, Thank-You Bonnie!! You are a God Send!! Much LOVE and Many BLessings for All You do for Us!!

Destine Reed