Welcome to Spiritual Acceleration’s Prayer Wall

Bonnie reads through each and every prayer, activating them on your behalf and intervening on higher energetic planes so that your prayers are heard with crystal clarity. This sacred space offers a heartfelt community to share your deepest hopes and fears on a donation-based model. Regardless of your ability to contribute monetarily, all prayers will be answered.

I prayed for this

Prayed for 1 time.


Hi Bonnie.

I've been having a few visions about a previous life in old Egypt, it seems my third eye is opening but I don't have clarity or understanding of what this means or what to do about it. Eva once told me my legal problem I had began by the daughter in law of the woman legally sued and they caused me an accident where they hurt my spine and I still have problems due to that accident 5 years later, that people does black magic/voodoo or some dark stuff and I've been suffering from many things like depression, anxiety a lot of PTSD, vertigo, hallucinations and lack of willing being alive.

Can you help me break all the agreements I may have with them so I can collect the settlement money and move on with my life and be free and happy please? Can you help me get more compensations for all the other damages they caused me please? Can you take them and all their energy out of my body/being please?

Can you help me break all the agreements and contracts that I may still have from other people's energies in my heart/body/being please?

Can you help me get my heart back for myself/my being please?

I am starting my land flipping business and I've been afraid of launching/mailing my first campaign due to all the "bad luck" these people had caused me, especially financially/money wise and I am afraid of not being able to get any clients either to sell their land nor to buyers for that land nor escrows or what I mean is I don't believe I can do it, I couldn't become successful, wealthy, happy, etc. I know all of these is because of all the witchcraft these people had done to/against me for the past 12 years and it comes from previous lifetimes. I've spoken to you and you help me removing my mom and her energies from my heart but you didn't have time to take Andrea and Yvanna out as well as my mom. Can you please do so now?

Can you help me free myself from the ones that are moving my energy the way you do but to hurt me please? That people learnt your technic while I was watching your clearings but as you were working on clearing and healing they where using it to confuse me, hurt me,, altered me, caused me desperation, drove me insane, sexually harassed me, molested me, flipped my heart folding it causing a lot of physical and mental pain, made me feel other hearts pounding/beating inside of me in different places of my body, someone breathing near my right ear which combine with the energy manipulations combined drive me insane/nuts in a really bad way to the point of no return, and many other things I don't want to write here but I know you'll see them when reviewing me. Please help me finish with all of these please.

Please help me find or recover my passions, good health, good luck, well being, awareness, chakras' balance and joy of life/being alive.

I do have many of your clearings, some of them I attended live and some others I bought in the past 2 years and I will continue to but, I hope you can guide me on which ones are the best for me when I get to purchase them in the near future, I am also planning on getting a subscription which I feel is more convenient but I don't like the idea of having to pay monthly is like a rent and I associate it with a burden even though I see the benefit. Can you help me getting free from that idea of a burden for rents please?

I am thinking about getting a question to you in your "ask Bonnie" for the end of the month when I have a little more money to pay for that.

I have a coming appointment with an attorney to discuss my case against the SSDI that was declined by the judge even though he found me disable but he didn't grant me the income and now I am appealing his decision in federal court and need a huge miracle for my claim to be accepted, that proceeds and to win that case. Please help me with that too.

Please help me to open my way/path to get into your classes/trainings like Know thyself, Beyond Foundations, Foundations, etc.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Received: January 14, 2025

Powered by Prayer Engine

This is Praise that Bonnie's Prayers are answered, and are Real and do work!!!!
I payed for help in clearing black magick attacks for Myself, My Mom and Family as well as for My Home and property to be cleared. Within 4 minutes of me receiving the E-mail from Bonnie that my Prayer has been answered...I felt a shift in my energy, My Mom is currently completely calm and relaxed (I care for my Mom, she had a stroke and has dementia) while all last week she was crying, complaining, and calling for me every 10 min... Yeah! Something GREAT definitely occurred here! I also received a call from my Mom's caregiver who helps give Mom a bath asking if there is anything else she can do to help me?!! Thank-You, Thank-You, Thank-You Bonnie!! You are a God Send!! Much LOVE and Many BLessings for All You do for Us!!

Destine Reed