Self-Mastery & Personal Empowerment

MasterClass Series III

Objective: To illuminate unconscious patterns in order to create our lives more consciously.

  • Uncover and understand your patterns and programming 
  • Clear and unravel ancestral lineage
  • Release and embrace hidden desires
  • Heal past lives that continue to influence your present incarnation

Self-Mastery & Personal Empowerment

MasterClass III:  Summary

Self-Mastery is about recognizing the part you play in all your interactions. It’s about taking responsibility for being here and taking ownership over your experiences. People who are here to master themselves are dedicated to self-awareness and waking up to their own wounding. Masters of self-empowerment don’t see themselves as victims and have woken up to the reality that beliefs (that of those and of others) do not make up actual reality. Paying attention to your reactions will show you where your triggers still are, so you can respond and stay present and conscious in your body, no matter what is going on around you.  On the deepest levels of being, we are all part of the same One-ness with all the rest of creation.

Masterclass Structure & Format

  • Masterclass series pre-recorded classes. Available to you on your members’ site. 
  • You will receive each module week by week
  • Students will receive a workbook/sheet for every week for further reflection and exploration of the topics. 
  • Students will have weekly practices, not limited to reading additional materials, meditation practices, etc,.

What’s Included In The Class?

  • Weekly recorded videos for you to review in your Vault Library
  • Group clearings
  • Demos
  • Student workbook

Masterclass Curriculum

  • Module 1: Waking to your Divinity
  • Module 2: Mastering the Ego
  • Module 3: Bringing Consciousness to Your Experiences
  • Module 4: Being Present / Energetic Etiquette
  • Module 5: Idol Worship
  • Module 6: Awakening Your Personal Power
Self-Mastery & Personal Empowerment | Module 1

Waking To Divinity

When we first begin we are all part of the One-ness that is all of Unity. Before we are born, we are all in a state of pure awareness with no “personality self.” The moment we become aware is the moment we become a separate consciousness. This moment of awareness, the knowledge of our separate-ness from All-that-is is our original moment of separation and wounding. These are the earliest stages of a soul evolving.

As we become incarnated physically, we FORGET that we entered into these agreements to have these experiences and start to see ourselves as victims. Part of the process of waking up is to acknowledge and experience that we are powerful creators and come back to the One-ness that we originally came from. 

We are always co-creating our lives, but most of our creating is done subconsciously. If you want to discover your subconscious beliefs, look around your life to see which patterns and scenarios keep repeating themselves. These patterns give us an opportunity to grow and evolve if we can teach ourselves to identify and dismantle them. We are all here to shine our light as our individual selves. Each person contributes their own special frequency. Our whole purpose is to shine our light and share the gift of ourselves with the world. We can’t do that when we are shut down by our wounds and false beliefs. We identify with our wounding to the point where we don’t even know who we are anymore. The process of waking up to our Divinity is the process of becoming who we are meant to be.


What To Expect:

  • Understand the purpose of the ego and how we identify with it
  • Connect to the parts of yourself  beyond your ego
  • Uncover the labels and egoic constructs you’ve identified with
  • Discover who you are without all the labels
  • Release false egoic conditioning
  • Understand why some people take pleasure in and identify with their suffering


  • Gain a deeper understanding of yourself beyond your ego
  • Begin transcending your ego to experience more of who you really are
  • Dismantle limiting labels and identifications
  • Enjoy more peace in your relationships as you release your ego and need to be right
  • Feel more flow and less resistance in your life
  • Experience more self-love and less worry about what others think of you
  • Move through challenging experiences with more awareness and understanding
  • Stay centered and authentic no matter what is going on in your life around you
  • Release the hold of your “stories” and how they’ve been holding you back
Self-Mastery & Personal Empowerment | Module 2

Mastering The Ego

Our ego is the false sense of self that we identify with. This identification begins at a young age, as we are conditioned to tailor our “identity” in order to survive. We begin to mold our sense of “self” based on what we believe will keep us safe, or give us attention. This is why negative attention is still tied to wanting love.

This egoic self is NOT who we actually are. Over time, the light of who we really are gets dimmed by the wounding/traumas/hurts that we try to hide away from ourselves and others. Our inner light never goes away, but it gets harder to connect to and feel, leading us to feel even more separate from ourselves.

Many people fear that if you dissolve your ego, you will be unable to function in the world, but in truth, when you dissolve the ego, you connect to the truth of the wholeness of who you are, and are able to meet life in each moment. You would be totally present and without the mind chatter, looking only to yourself for acceptance and approval. The root of all of our dysfunction lies in this fundamental disconnect from our inner self.

We often identify ourselves by our labels – what we DO vs what we ARE (e.g. I’m a healer, a nurse, a veteran, etc.) When this false sense of self feels threatened, we may respond with anger, we take things personally, we may even want to fight. Overidentification with egoic self creates division and competition, away from unity consciousness.


Take some time to work through the following journal prompts and homework exercises. They will help you identify and dissolve these false identifications and reliance on your ego to live your life!

What To Expect:

  • Understand the purpose of the ego and how we identify with it
  • Connect to the parts of yourself  beyond your ego
  • Uncover the labels and egoic constructs you’ve identified with
  • Discover who you are without all the labels
  • Release false egoic conditioning
  • Understand why some people take pleasure in and identify with their suffering


  • Gain a deeper understanding of yourself beyond your ego
  • Begin transcending your ego to experience more of who you really are
  • Dismantle limiting labels and identifications
  • Enjoy more peace in your relationships as you release your ego and need to be right
  • Feel more flow and less resistance in your life
  • Experience more self-love and less worry about what others think of you
  • Move through challenging experiences with more awareness and understanding
  • Stay centered and authentic no matter what is going on in your life around you
  • Release the hold of your “stories” and how they’ve been holding you back
Self-Mastery & Personal Empowerment| Module 3

Bringing Consciousness to Your Experiences

Most people are not aware of the reactions they are having subconsciously to the world around them. Most of humanity goes about their lives totally unaware of their reactions and “asleep” to the wider opportunities to expand and transform. Our reactions or “triggers” are one of the most important aspects of understanding ourselves and our power over the external world. Many of the times we are having reactions, they’re not obvious. It’s our responsibility to begin to tune into our inner selves to understand how we are really feeling and reacting to our experiences. Our underlying false beliefs often cause us to feel that our reactions, feelings, and emotions are wrong or shameful. As a response, we often hide or push down these parts of ourselves we deem “unacceptable.” To fully take responsibility for our lives, we have to go deeper into our wounds and reactions and let them be expressed so that they can be released.

Our triggers are often tied to our survival instincts. Any time that our security or sense of self is threatened, or we feel that we may not receive love or acceptance, our triggers are activated and our subconscious responses are set in motion. On the higher levels, everything is part of the All. It is our judgments and reactions that cause us to label certain experiences or emotions as “good” or “bad.”

What To Expect:

  • Understand the purpose of triggers and how to move beyond them
  • Learn how to stay present and grounded no matter what you experience
  • Discover the roots of your own personal triggers and begin to dismantle them
  • Become more accountable and responsible for your life
  • Gain a deeper understanding and acceptance of yourself


  • Gain more control over your reactions and responses
  • Feel more responsible for your life and your part in it
  • Learn to understand yourself better by examining your triggers and reactions
  • Enjoy more peace and harmony as you are affected less by the outside world
  • Become more attuned to yourself at a deeper level
  • Release judgments and concussions about things being “right” or “wrong”
  • Connect on a deeper level with others as you gain more self-acceptance
  • Participate in your life on a more meaningful level
Self-Mastery & Personal Empowerment | Module 4

Being Present & Energetic Etiquette

Most people struggle with being present to their experiences without getting lost and carried away by their thoughts. If you think back to your most recent conversations, were you actively listening to the other person, or do you often find your thinking mind gets activated when you are talking to others? Generally, we have a reaction, memory, thought that distracts us from what the other person is saying. We get lost in our thoughts, processing what was said or thinking about what we might say next.  We can get pulled out of the present moment when our traumas get triggered and when we start to loop back to compulsive thoughts. As we unravel our traumas, it becomes easier to break free of these compulsive thinking spirals or addictive patterns. When you notice these compulsive thoughts, it’s an invitation to release the underlying traumas and wounds. If you are struggling with staying present, it means you still have wounding to release!

Your wounding wants to be released from your body. The only way for it to do that is to draw our attention to it so that we can uncover it and let it go. We are also pulled out of presence when we are open to being affected by the emotional energies of others. This often happens in our closest relationships, as we are being activated in order to release the same emotions within ourselves. Remember what you are feeling is all about you. If you are activated, it’s because you have deeper wounds that will cause discomfort of feelings of anxiety in YOUR body.

If we can step outside of our wounding, we can see past our definitions of “good” and “bad.” When we release these emotions we have and the wounding behind them, we can start to see things from a Divine perspective, knowing that everything is all as it should be.

What To Expect:

  • Learn what it means to “be present” and how to get there
  • Understand the root cause of obsessive or compulsive thoughts/patterns
  • Gain a deeper understanding and acceptance of yourself
  • Unravel compulsive thoughts to heal underlying wounding and trauma
  • Understand the role discarnate energies play in our compulsive thoughts/patterns
  • Learn how and why your wounding is activated by the emotional energies of others
  • Uncover and release core wounds at the heart of your emotional responses
  • Understand what you are doing energetically when interacting with others


  • Understand how to be more present and less in your “thinking mind”
  • Begin to unravel compulsive patterns and thoughts 
  • Become more present in your relationships and interactions with others
  • Enjoy better communication as you are more present with your loved ones
  • Feel more connected to your Divine Light
  • Participate in your life on a more meaningful level
  • Embody more of your Divinity
Self-Mastery & Personal Empowerment | Module 5

Idol Worship

All religions of the world basically teach that God is an external force or being. They often talk of angels, masters, Messiahs, ascended beings, and others, but the main idea is that we are taught to look outside of ourselves for wisdom and guidance.

Messiahs are manifestations of God /the Divine that have been born and lived on Earth (ie. the Buddha, Jesus, etc) and have experienced firsthand their own Divinity, passing on their teachings. They are NOT God and are not who we should be praying to directly. This applies to bodhisattvas, gurus, and any other holy people as well. They may be more “awake” than the average person, but they are not Source/God.  Beliefs are created by other humans; they do not come from Source and are not the “truth.” Looking outside of ourselves for approval or answers will not help you awaken! Most of your beliefs are dependent on where you were raised and who raised you as a child.

Ideally we connect to our OWN higher levels and connect to creation directly, without an intermediary. God has no emotions. Humans have emotions that they ascribe to God. God never hates, judges, or criticizes. God is the frequency of Light, unconditional love and universal acceptance. This light of God is present in EVERY sentient being. We have a direct connection to this frequency of God within us already.



What To Expect:

  • Understand the difference between working with and idolizing outside beings
  • Learn how to connect with your own higher levels of Divinity for guidance
  • Gain a deeper understanding and acceptance of yourself
  • Look deeper into your beliefs and dismantle false and misleading ones
  • Experience your own higher levels of being
  • Understand how to enter into the consciousness of Source/Creation


  • Trust yourself and your own guidance more
  • Improved discernment in how you experience the external world
  • Feel the difference between praying to other beings and praying to your own higher levels
  • Experience how it feels to be in a state of “knowing”
  • Wake up to higher levels of your own consciousness
  • Become more empowered to change your life and release limiting beliefs
  • Embody more of your Divinity
Self-Mastery & Personal Empowerment | Module  6

Awakening Your Personal Power

It’s easy to look around the world and see victimization or imbalances of power. In reality, on the higher levels there are no victims at all. Our wounds, patterns, beliefs, and traumas get carried over from previous lifetimes. Unless we unravel these wounds and beliefs, we start to identify with our victimization. It literally becomes a part of our identity. We recreate the same familiar feelings from past lifetimes so that we can bring our attention to them and unravel the core wounds behind the feelings.  As souls evolving, we have to wake up to the fact that we are, on some level, creating our experiences so that we can be activated and directed to our core wounds. The idea is that we start to understand these patterns so we can get rid of them from their root. Instead of blaming others for our reactions, we need to look inside ourselves to identify what is being activated within us.  It is the goal ultimately to know ourselves in all ways in our journey back to Source. We need to wake up to our past wounds so that we can stop being stuck there. As we let ourselves open to more awareness and release these dark subconscious parts, we release the wounds and can let ourselves hold more Light. As we hold more Light, we resonate more closely with Source.

As we learn to trust ourselves more, we stop giving our power away to others. Oftentimes, when we are impressed by someone or feel that they have more awareness or spiritual knowing than we do, we start to “lean out” energetically, trying to tap into their energy and becoming less grounded in our bodies and less connected to our own Light. When we unravel our wounds and bring light to our unconscious pieces, we connect and strengthen our own connection to Source.

What To Expect:

  • Become more empowered to consciously create your life
  • Gain more mastery over your reactions and triggers
  • Understand and begin to unravel victim consciousness
  • Shed more light on the core wounds behind your beliefs and programs
  • Reclaim the power you’ve “given away” to others
  • Understand the role other people’s emotional energy and discarnates play in affecting your responses


  • Feel more confident and empowered in your daily life
  • Become more accountable for your reactions and responses
  • Release victim mentality and feelings of blame
  • Become more empowered to change your life and release limiting beliefs
  • Understand your relationships better and feel more peace within them
  • Trust yourself more and stop giving your power away to others
  • Release feelings of judgement and competition
  • Feel more freedom and love in your life

Masterclass Series: Self-Mastery & Personal Empowerment

Your Investment: $297