What are Group Energy Clearings and how do they work?

Master Energy Tracker Bonnie Serratore’s Group Energy Clearings (GECs) are transformative sessions designed to clear deep-seated emotional and energetic blocks that hinder your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual vitality. Conducted remotely, Bonnie uses her extraordinary intuitive abilities to track and clear negative energy from participants across all time & space. 

Each Group Energy Clearing lasts 60 minutes. Bonnie spends 15 minutes sharing her wisdom, explaining the root causes of the issue, the clearing itself lasts 30 minutes or longer with the remaining time open for Q&A related to the GEC’s topic.  

During the clearing, it’s common for participants to experience various physical sensations and emotions as the energy begins to clear out of the system. Some feel sleepy or like they’re in a dream state. After a GEC, you may feel light-headed or slightly disoriented as your system adjusts to all of the energy that was moved and cleared. All of this is normal and to be expected. Participants report feeling lighter and freer immediately after a GEC, some notice the positive shifts within a few days. Whether the effects are faint or profound, you’ll find clarity, peace and joy are more accessible to you. Regardless of if you’re new to energy work or a seasoned practitioner, Bonnie’s Group Energy Clearings offer a powerful opportunity for deep healing and transformation.

*Do not participate in a Group Energy Clearing while driving, operating machinery or under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Allow 15-20 minutes after a clearing to become fully present and fully in your body.

Clear deep-seated emotional and energetic blocks that hinder your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual vitality.

Live Group Energy Clearings are offered every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month!


I’m dealing with a particular issue and I don’t see it addressed in any of the upcoming Group Energy Clearings (GECs).

  • We have hundreds of past GECs on a multitude of topics in our vault! You can use the magnifying glass icon in the upper right corner of the web page to search by topic.

Are the Group Energy Clearings recorded?

  • Yes! The recording of the GEC is made available in your Clearing Library within 48 hours of the live.

How long will I have the Group Energy Clearing recording in my Clearing Library?

  • The Group Energy Clearing recordings remain in your Clearing Library indefinitely. You can watch or listen to them as many times as you’d like. We recommend listening to a recording until you feel a particular issue has been completely resolved.

How do Group Energy Clearings work if they’re not in-person?

  • Group Energy Clearings are effective even though they’re not in-person because energy isn’t limited by physical space or linear time. Bonnie and her Certified Accelerators are able to tune into the collective energy of the group no matter where participants are, clearing energetic and emotional blocks across all time and space. The effects are just as powerful, allowing you to experience healing and transformation from the comfort of your own home.

Practical Benefits:

Reduced stress and anxiety: Group Energy Clearings help to clear energetic blockages that contribute to stress and anxiety, leaving you feeling calmer and more relaxed.

Enhanced clarity and focus: Clearing mental clutter during a Group Energy Clearing can lead to sharper focus and a clearer mind, making it easier to concentrate on tasks.

Better sleep quality: Group Energy Clearings clear anxiety-inducing energetic debris, help calm your mind and body, leading to more restful and rejuvenating sleep.

Increased energy and vitality: By removing energetic blockages, Group Energy Clearings can boost your overall energy levels, leaving you feeling more vibrant and alive.

Relief from physical tension and discomfort: Physical pain and tension often have energetic roots; Group Energy Clearings can alleviate these issues by addressing the underlying causes.

Improved relationships and communication: As Group Energy Clearings clear negative patterns, it becomes easier to connect with others and communicate more effectively.

Enhanced creativity and inspiration: Removing creative blocks during a Group Energy Clearing can open up new channels of inspiration and creative expression.

Release of limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns: Group Energy Clearings help dissolve beliefs and thoughts that no longer serve you, paving the way for a more positive mindset.

Better decision-making and problem-solving skills: With a clearer mind and balanced emotions, Group Energy Clearings enable you to make more confident and effective decisions.

Strengthened sense of purpose and direction in life: Group Energy Clearings can help you reconnect with your higher guidance, giving you a clearer sense of direction and meaning in life.

Spiritual Benefits:

Deepened connection to your higher self: Group Energy Clearings help you align with your true essence, strengthening your connection to your higher self.

Enhanced intuition and psychic abilities: Group Energy Clearings can heighten your intuitive senses, making it easier to receive and trust spiritual guidance.

Cleansing of karmic patterns: Group Energy Clearings can help release karmic debts and patterns, allowing for spiritual growth and evolution.

Expansion of consciousness: Group Energy Clearings facilitate the expansion of your consciousness, helping you see beyond the material world and connect with higher dimensions.

Deeper meditation experiences: With cleared energy, your meditation practice may deepen, leading to more profound states of peace and connection.

Greater ability to manifest desires: Clearing energetic blockages helps align your vibration with your intentions, making it easier to manifest your desires.

Deeper sense of Oneness: Group Energy Clearings can dissolve the illusion of separation, helping you feel a profound sense of unity with all living beings.

Enhanced spiritual protection: By clearing negative energies, Group Energy Clearings can strengthen your energetic boundaries, offering greater protection from external influences.

Healing of past-life wounds: Group Energy Clearings can address and heal traumas and wounds from past lives, bringing resolution and peace to your soul.

Stronger connection to divine energy: By participating in Group Energy Clearings, you may feel a more profound connection to the divine, experiencing a flow of unconditional love and support.

Your Guide

Bonnie Serratore,  Master Energy Tracker

Bonnie has expertly charted the unseen territories of our emotional and energetic bodies. She is a Spiritual Accelerator, meaning she helps people expedite their personal healing, growth and spiritual development. Bonnie accelerates the liberation of our authentic, true and Divine self. She does so by clearing detrimental foreign energy from all time and space and emotional wounding carried over from past lives that interfere with the expression of our Divine self.

Everything Bonnie Serratore knows she has learned through direct experience in her own life, as well as from working with her clients and students. She has not studied or trained with any teachers, living or dead, and does not use spirit guides or any trance inducing tools – she relies on nothing but her own inner knowing and the energy of the white light of creation.

Although she was born with these abilities, she has developed an even stronger connection between herself and the light through her profound personal experiences. She lived alone in the Arizona desert for four years speaking to almost no one. There she expanded her skills and burned through much of her own interference and ego. She has taken personal trips where she studied the energy of the pyramids of Egypt and the sacred sites throughout Israel. In these experiences, she cultivated deep connections with Source by realizing the true nature of her own divinity. Bonnie’s work has lead to the development of The White Raven Center and many other spiritual centers throughout the West Coast of the United States.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to transform your life.

Clear deep-seated emotional and energetic blocks that hinder your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual vitality.

Live Group Energy Clearings are offered every 2nd and 4th
of the month!

Take the first step towards a carefree and abundant life today!

Sign up now!

Cost: $30 per session

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