Can you help me find what is stopping me to get rid of the voice in my right ear that keeps telling me the same think over and over again that keeps me in a vicious cycle/loop of stockiness please?
Can you help me figure out what keeps me in these loops and to move forward/away from them please?
Can you help me to better understand why the souls didn't want to end/finish their agreements even though I'm making clearings with you for almost 2 years and other healers to better my life without success please?
Can you help me clear what ever is stopping me to know what contract to end/finish/cancel/void please?
Can you help me unblock my relationships please?
Can you help me get rid of hate and regrets please?
Can you help me be in a community or many different tribes/types of people in harmony please?
Can you help me find and finish with my problem with people please?
Can you remove all dark entities, attachments, forces, black magic, spells, lower vibrational energies, from me and my closest family members please?
Can you remove all anger, emotional outbursts and planetary effects from my birth chart and replace with love, kindness, calm, understanding, harmony and increased consciousness please?
Can you help me remove anything and everything that is stopping me to be positive, enthusiast, cheerful and be a good impact in others please?
Can you help me get free/rid of the slavery of my thoughts, that they actually aren't mine, please?
Can you help me get free from my mom, Andrea, Yvanna, Roy and all their partners in crime please?
Can you help me feel good and comfortable with myself please?
Can you help me get the right help I need please?
Can you help me get love, appreciation, compassion, enthusiasm, joy, willingness to live please?
Can you help me get my sovereignty please?
Can you help me recover from depression please?
Received: November 10, 2024