Dear Bonnie, SpiritualAcceleration team and friends,
I appreciate your prayers that my mom embodies her happiest, healthiest, gentlest, shortest, easiest, fastest fulfillment in resonating with the following outcomes:
- her immediate release from and relief from the effects of unworthiness, scarcity, poverty and austerity
- her complete removal of and recovery from all their energetic root causes on any levels of her multi-dimensional being
- her permanent realization of and regeneration of her ever-improving ability to increasingly embody and nurture
her perfect readiness, receptivity and responsiveness to embrace
more and more affluence, blessings, miracles and synchronicities right now,
through her ever-cleaner, ever-clearer, ever-calmer deep synergy with Spirit
with all the aforementioned happening across all my timelines, parallel realities, multiverses and incarnations
according to forgiveness and gratitude, and divine love, kindness, joy and peace
Thank you! Blessings to all!
Received: December 13, 2024